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Inside Dentistry
August 2021
Volume 17, Issue 8

Running a State-of-the-Art, One-Stop Shop

Dentsply Sirona's SureSmile® aligners are a valuable asset for this multidisciplinary practice

Richard Rosenblatt, DMD

When Richard Rosenblatt, DMD, moved to the Chicago area about a year after graduating from dental school, he wanted to find a practice that would fit his personality and help him grow his skill set. He was fortunate to find a progressive dentist who served as his mentor and introduced him to various types of new technology as they worked together throughout the next decade. When Rosenblatt moved on to purchase his own practice, Forest North Dental in Lake Forest, Illinois, he had a clear vision of what he wanted it to be: a state-of-the-art, multidisciplinary operation.

"I enjoy practicing a variety of disciplines," says Rosenblatt, who brought extractions, implants, endodontics, sleep apnea treatment, and aligners to his new practice along with same-day dentistry. "I did not want to limit myself. Over the years, I have pursued education regarding various aspects of dentistry, and I do everything to the best of my ability. When something is beyond my expertise, I refer patients to the wonderful specialists that we have in our area. My patients always get what is best for them."

Among the many services that Rosenblatt offers is clear aligner therapy. He had been using another popular system for more than a decade before being persuaded by one of his CEREC representatives nearly 3 years ago to speak to a colleague about Dentsply Sirona's SureSmile® clear aligners.

"Initially, I wasn't looking to switch to SureSmile, but once they started showing me the software and describing the system, I was truly impressed," Rosenblatt says.

It only took a few cases with SureSmile for Rosenblatt to be completely sold. "The fit was great, and the system was relatively easy to work with," he says. "We never looked back. We do three to five cases per month, and we really love it."

SureSmile's open, user-friendly software is compatible with various digital workflows. Regardless of the scanner type, the aligner software integrates any STL files seamlessly.

"Previously, we had to use an orthodontic software application that was not the easiest to scan with, so the process took a bit longer," Rosenblatt says. "With the Primescan, guided scans are no longer necessary for orthodontics. We use our laboratory software, CEREC® Connect. It is so easy, we frequently scan during hygiene visits. We offer free evaluations and typically can provide complete treatment proposals within 2 days. It has been tremendous."

The treatment plans created by the SureSmile digital laboratory team, which usually have minimal attachments, have impressed Rosenblatt. "SureSmile aligners provide really great, predictable movements," he says. "We can show patients where they are starting and where they will finish and just ‘hit the play button.' It is pretty terrific."

The SureSmile aligners themselves are made from Essix ACE® plastic, a virtually invisible material that provides superior esthetics without sacrificing function.

"They are crystal clear, which is so very different from other aligners on the market that are only somewhat clear and definitely have visible striations, etc," Rosenblatt says. "I am thoroughly impressed with the quality of the SureSmile aligners."

One of Rosenblatt's recent patients was hesitant about undergoing treatment because she feared that the aligners would be noticeable, so Rosenblatt brought in one of his hygienists, Kelly Gomez, RDH, who was currently undergoing clear aligner therapy herself.

"Kelly pulled down her mask and started talking," he says. "The patient said, ‘OK, so when did she undergo aligner therapy?' And I said, ‘No, no—she is wearing the aligners right now.' Kelly removed her aligners, and the patient was amazed because she had not been able to see them. She immediately agreed to treatment."

The price of the SureSmile system allows Rosenblatt to create his own special packages, such as ones that combine aligner therapy with whitening treatments offered by his practice. He says that some of the deals save patients upward of $1,000. For the practice, much of the savings comes from the fact that the system is easy enough for Rosenblatt's team members to do most of the work. "Other than getting involved to place some attachments and perform some interproximal reduction, I can devote my time—the most valuable asset in my practice—to other areas," he says.

In every situation that Rosenblatt's team has needed technical support, Dentsply Sirona's team has been up to the task. "Their knowledge base and understanding of the software is incredible," he says. "When we have a question, they have an answer."

Rosenblatt emphasizes that at this point, there is no chance that he will ever switch to a different intraoral scanner, but he appreciates SureSmile's open nature nonetheless because he can recommend the system to colleagues who use other intraoral scanning systems. "That, to me, is wonderful," he says.

Key Points

• Virtually invisible Essix ACE material paired with digital lab treatment plans provides anatomically correct tooth movement.

• Specify detailed preferences or simply rely on the expertise of the SureSmile technicians for treatment planning.

• Twenty years of orthodontic treatment planning experience ensures outstanding initial setups that require minimal refinements.

• Open planning software accepts STL files from virtually all intraoral scanners.

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