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Smart upgrades to Heron™ IOS to be presented at IDS 2019

Posted on Monday, March 11, 2019

3DISC is presenting the Heron™ IOS solution at the International Dental Show (IDS) 2019 in Cologne, Germany.

“We wanted to exceed all expectations and have worked hard to further develop our scanner technology. We will show the latest upgrades and features, including an improved overall scanning experience,” says Thomas Weldingh, Deputy Group CEO of 3DISC.

Improved Performance and Scan Experience

The upgraded scanner delivers significant improvements in providing margin line detail and accuracy, as well as bilateral bite alignment to optimize accuracy of the bite when scanning full arches. In addition, the solution now includes more types of indications, such as an implant workflow where we scan with and without a scan body, as well as abutments.

The scanner can also determine if and where data is missing during a scan, guiding the dental professional visually to complete the scan, resulting in seamless data acquisition.

A new camera feature is available, capturing images as you are scanning, giving a clear thumbnail preview, with the option of deleting images you do not need, as well as reviewing the image captured in full-screen. Images are saved automatically in PNG, BMP, TIFF, JPEG.

The scanner is among the smallest and most lightweight color scanners on the market and is unsurpassed when it comes to ergonomics. Real-time scans help create a 3D image of the oral cavity, allowing it to be examined from any angle. It’s a truly flexible solution that integrates with most lab systems, optimizing the collaborative approach to dental treatment.

Worth the Investment

The latest Heron™ IOS comes with a free software upgrade program that automatically updates when new upgrades become available. The upgrades improve scanner performance parameters such as scanning speed, scan accuracy, color rendering and usability. It is a safe investment to make for any dental clinic, with assurance that the scanner will always be the latest generation of itself, even years from now.

The Heron™ IOS is a highly competitive solution when it comes to total cost of ownership. The initial investment is affordable and is a one-off payment. It essentially pays itself off with the savings made on impression materials.

IDS visitors have the chance to win a Heron™ IOS

3DISC is holding a raffle during IDS and the new Heron™ IOS is up for grabs. Here is a chance to give the upgraded scanner a try, simply by entering the raffle at our stand. The winner will be announced on our Facebook page on Saturday, March 16, 2019.

The Heron is designed and manufactured in the United States.

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