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Renfert to Host Bruguera at Booth in Chicago

Posted on Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Renfert USA will feature August Bruguera at its booth to perform live hands-on demonstrations featuring the GEO Expert Wax Set at Lab Day Chicago in February.

RENFERT’s GEO Expert Wax Set allows the production of monolithic, diagnostic, and esthetic wax-ups for single restorations and bridgework, thus promoting perfect coordination between the patient, dental office, and laboratory from the beginning, ie, while waxing up. The set includes a manual on creating wax-ups according to August Bruguera’s philosophy.

NYU Dentistry Awarded $1.3M Grant to Expand Dental Access for Underserved Populations

Posted on Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Courtney H. Chinn, DDS, MPH, clinical associate professor of pediatric dentistry and director of the postgraduate program in pediatric dentistry at the NYU College of Dentistry (NYU Dentistry), has received a five-year, $1.3 million award from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to establish Growing Faculty Success in Community-based Educational Settings (Growing Success).

"The goal of this novel faculty development program," explains Dr. Chinn, "is to recruit, develop, and retain faculty who are committed to teaching the delivery of quality, interprofessional, community-based oral health care for underserved pediatric, adolescent, and special needs populations and to inspire trainees to utilize their skills in their future careers." Grant partners of the NYU Department of Pediatric Dentistry include the NYU Dentistry Office of Allied Health Programs, Office of Professional Development, and Office of Student Affairs & Academic Support Services.

Growing Success seeks to achieve this goal by establishing a community-based educator track for qualified pediatric dentists and dental hygienists who demonstrate sincere interest in teaching students to deliver successful community-based dental services. Over the five-year program, selected faculty will receive educational loan repayment and participate in structured development activities designed to bolster their personal professional portfolios while simultaneously building their confidence, comfort, and skill sets to succeed in educating future dental professionals.

The program consists of a core "community-based curriculum" offered by NYU Dentistry's Office of Faculty Development; pre-selection into one of three "community-based concentrations" (in school-based oral health, interprofessional education, or community dental hygiene) offered by the College's Department of Pediatric Dentistry and its Office of Allied Health Programs; guided mentorship; and individually-tailored faculty development experiences.

Growing Success leverages the extensive network of NYU Department of Pediatric Dentistry community partners including Head Start, the New York City Department of Education and Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bellevue Hospital Center, the NYU Meyers College of Nursing, and the NYU School of Medicine to place faculty and students in community-based primary care sites throughout New York City. Through these placements, Growing Success seeks to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of current community programs while strengthening existing partnerships. Moreover, as the largest dental school in the US, NYU Dentistry is uniquely positioned to help narrow the dental workforce gap for underserved pediatric populations not only in New York City but beyond, as faculty who complete this track go on to teach and practice across the nation.

"The current challenge facing dental professionals and oral health advocates," says Dr. Chinn, "is to ensure an adequate and appropriately trained dental workforce that can successfully meet the oral health needs of a large and growing US pediatric population. The next generation of dentists and hygienists must be equipped with the knowledge, experience, and confidence that will allow them to successfully provide services and improve access to care for traditionally underserved communities. Recruiting and supporting diverse, high-quality dental school faculty is a crucial element in facilitating the growth and success of our future dental professionals."

HRSA Award Number: 1T93HP30390-01-00

Mouth-Cancer Rates Soar Over 20 Years

Posted on Monday, November 28, 2016

A new Cancer Research UK analysis reveals that rates of mouth (oral) cancer have jumped by 68% in the UK over the last 20 years.

The figures – released during Mouth Cancer Action Month – reveal the cancer is on the rise for men and women, young and old, climbing from eight to 13 cases per 100,000 people over the last two decades.

For men under 50, the rate has jumped by 67% in the last 20 years – going up from around 340 cases to around 640 cases each year.

For men aged 50 and over, rates have increased by 59% climbing from around 2,100 cases to around 4,400 cases annually.

Oral cancer is more common in men, but there have been similar increases women.

In women under 50, oral cancer rates have risen by 71% in the last 20 years, with annual cases climbing from around 160 to around 300.

Rates for women over 50 have also gone up by 71% with cases increasing from around 1,100 to around 2,200.

Around nine in 10 cases are linked to lifestyle and other risk factors. Smoking is the biggest avoidable risk factor, linked to an estimated 65% of cases. Other risk factors include alcohol, diets low in fruit and vegetables, and infections with the human papilloma virus (HPV).

Oral cancers include cancer of the lips, tongue, mouth (gums and palate), tonsils and the middle part of the throat (oropharynx).

Cancer Research UK - working with the British Dental Association - has developed an oral cancer toolkit to help GPs, dentists, nurses and hygienists spot the disease and refer suspected cases sooner.

Jessica Kirby, Cancer Research UK’s senior health information manager, said, “It’s worrying that oral cancer has become more common. It’s important to get to know your body and what’s normal for you, to help spot the disease as early as possible. An ulcer or sore in your mouth or tongue that won’t go away, a lump on your lip or in your mouth, a red or red and white patch in your mouth or an unexplained lump in your neck are all things to look out for. Speak to your GP or dentist about any changes that are unusual or don’t go away.

“Healthy lifestyles can help reduce the risk of developing the disease in the first place. Not smoking, drinking less alcohol and eating plenty of fruit and vegetables can all help to cut our risk of mouth cancer. HPV vaccination could help protect against oral HPV infections, and it can prevent a range of cancers associated with the HPV virus, so it’s a good idea to get the vaccine if you are offered it.”

With smoking being the biggest preventable cause of oral cancer, Cancer Research UK is also calling on the public and local councillors to help protect vital Stop Smoking Services. These specialist services are the most successful way for people to quit smoking.

Andrea Fearon, 47 from Newbury, was diagnosed in 2013 with mouth cancer after a routine checkup by her dentist.

Andrea said, “I had thought that most people with mouth cancer are heavy smokers over the age of 50, so I completely shocked when I was diagnosed with the disease. I’m proof that this type of cancer isn’t limited to a particular age or sex. I thought seeing the dentist was about looking after your teeth - but it can save your life. It’s thanks to my dentist that the mouth cancer was caught early - that’s why I feel so lucky to be alive.” 


Study: Teenagers Drink a Bathtub of Sugary Drinks a Year

Posted on Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Teenagers, aged between 11 and 18, drink almost a bathtub full of sugary drinks on average a year, according to new calculations from Cancer Research UK.

The figures, calculated from National Diet and Nutrition Survey data, shed light on the extreme sugar consumption of UK teenagers and children.

Worryingly, 4 to 10 year olds are drinking the equivalent of almost half a bathtub full of sugary drinks each year.

Adults and young children consume twice the maximum recommended amount of added sugar. And 11 to 18 year olds eat and drink three times the recommended limit, with sugary drinks being their main source of added sugar.

Obese children are around five times more likely to grow into obese adults, and carrying too much weight increases the risk of cancer as well as other diseases.

A recent Cancer Research UK report showed that a 20-pounds-per-liter sugar tax could prevent 3.7 million cases of obesity over the next decade.

Alison Cox, director of prevention at Cancer Research UK, said, “It’s shocking that teenagers are drinking the equivalent of a bathtub of sugary drinks a year.

“We urgently need to stop this happening and the good news is that the Government’s sugar tax will play a crucial role in helping to curb this behaviour. The ripple effect of a small tax on sugary drinks is enormous, and it will give soft drinks companies a clear incentive to reduce the amount of sugar in drinks. When coupled with the Government’s plan to reduce sugar in processed food, we could really see an improvement to our diets.

“But the Government can do more to give the next generation a better chance, by closing the loop hole on junk food advertising on TV before the 9pm watershed. The UK has an epidemic on its hands, and needs to act now.”

OSAP’s New Board Holds Face-to-Face in Atlanta

Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP), a community of clinicians, educators, researchers and industry representatives who advocate for the Safest Dental Visit™, held their first board meeting at the organization’s new headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, November 13-15. OSAP recently contracted with Meeting Expectations for management services and moved its offices to the company’s facility.

The OSAP Board of Directors had a highly productive meeting, reviewing the accomplishments of 2016 and setting the stage for a successful 2017. The group finalized work on a partnership agreement to advance infection control education, approved a new initiative to develop a global networking community for infection control coordinators, determined editorial schedules, agreed to the development of new white papers on infection control, and approved a new online publication that will be unveiled in 2017.

The OSAP Board includes dental industry executives, infection control educators, clinicians, and government officials. It is chaired by Mike Smurr, director of marketing, merchandise for Patterson Dental. Kathy Eklund, RDH, MHP, director of occupational health and safety, and patient safety advocate at Forsyth Institute in Boston is vice-chair; Marguerite Walsh, vice president, product merchandising for Henry Schein Dental, is treasurer; and Karen Gregory, RN, director of compliance and education for Total Medical Compliance, serves as secretary. John O'Keefe, BDentSc, MDentSc, MBA, director of Knowledge Networks and editor-in-chief with the Canadian Dental Association, is the immediate past chair. Therese M. Long, MBA, CAE, is executive director of OSAP and serves on the board in an ex-officio capacity.

Most Nursing-Home Patients Refuse Dental Care During Stay, Study Concludes

Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2016

BUFFALO, N.Y. – Nearly 90% of patients at long-term care facilities don’t take advantage of dental services, even when they are free, a recent study by University at Buffalo (UB) researchers has found.

The research, published last month in Special Care in Dentistry, found that the longer a patient stayed at a long-term care facility, such as a nursing home or assisted living facility, the more likely they were to use dental services. But even among those who stayed at the facility for years, just 55% of patients used the services.

The low usage rate at long-term care facilities echoes a similar issue among the general population. In fact, according to 2014 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly four in 10 American adults don’t visit the dentist.

“There is a problem within the population as a whole toward appreciation for dental care. The perception is that if you don’t have pain, you don’t have a problem,” says Frank A. Scannapieco, DMD, PhD, lead investigator on the study and chair of the Department of Oral Biology in the UB School of Dental Medicine.

The study examined the dental and medical records of more than 2,500 residents at the Brothers of Mercy Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Clarence who were discharged between 2008 and 2012. Among the group, only 10% received a dental exam at least once during their stay.

The average length of stay at the facility was two years, with nearly half of patients staying less than a month. Usage rates of dental services ranged from 7 percent for patients who stayed less than a month, to 30% for those who stayed between a month and 2 years. Usage rates increased to 55 percent among those who stayed beyond two years.

Age was also a factor. Patients who were 76 years of age and older were twice as likely to use dental services compared to their younger counterparts.

Patients with endocrine, nutritional, metabolic, immunity disorders, mental disorders and circulatory system diseases were more likely to receive dental services as well.

Scannapieco suggests that for patients staying less than a month, often for short-term rehabilitation, medical treatment took priority over dental services. These patients were also likely to have their own dentists outside of the facility.

However, he said, he was surprised to find that the usage of dental services remained low among the rest of patients.

The New York State Department of Health requires that all patients newly admitted to long-term care facilities be offered dental services upon admission and annually afterwards. The patients are saying no.

Financial barriers are a common deterrent for patients in need of dental care, says Scannapieco. And Medicare, he adds, does not cover many procedures.

But Medicare does cover dental exams. In many cases, he finds, oral health care takes a backseat to other medical needs.

Improving attitudes toward dental care may lie in connecting oral health with overall health and quality of life, says Scannapieco.

“We need to do the research that answers if excellent dental health translates into prolonged life, health and perceptions of quality of life,” says Scannapieco.

“That is one of the major questions around dental care that is still unanswered: Does optimal dental care prevent medical diseases.”

Other investigators on the study include Mine Tezal, DDS, PhD, assistant professor in the UB School of Dental Medicine, and UB dental students Marc Salme and Summar Amin.

Glidewell Opens Laboratory in Colombia

Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Glidewell Dental announced the opening of Glidewell Colombia, the company’s first dental laboratory in South America. Situated in Colombia’s capital city, Bogotá, the new laboratory grants South American dentists access to modern, clinically proven restorative materials at an affordable price point, according to a press release.

"Glidewell Dental’s long-standing mission has been to reduce the cost-associated barriers that limit access to high-quality restorative dentistry," the release says. "Over the company’s 46-year history, it has worked with more than 100,000 dentists and 7,000 dental laboratories in the United States. The knowledge gained through these relationships has given Glidewell Dental a unique perspective, insight the company’s 150-person-strong Research and Development department relies upon in the creation of new materials, technologies and techniques."

In 2011, the company expanded to the international marketplace with the founding of Glidewell Europe, GmbH, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

"The European dental lab benefits from the decades-honed expertise of the U.S. lab while respecting the distinct industry parameters of clinicians in Germany," the release says. "Glidewell Europe enables European dentists to prescribe the award-winning, clinically proven BruxZir® Solid Zirconia as well as a multitude of other computer-assured restorative materials.

"Glidewell Colombia brings forth the same opportunities for dentists in South America."

The Colombian laboratory represents Glidewell Dental’s second foray into the Latin American marketplace, joining facilities located in Costa Rica.

"Dentists there have been overwhelming receptive of the affordable, high-quality restorations provided," the release says. "The lessons learned in Costa Rica have greatly supported the establishment of the Colombian laboratory. Glidewell Dental invites Colombian dentists to test the new lab’s services and products to experience the benefits firsthand."

BIOLASE to Preview New Epic Pro™ Diode Laser at GNYDM

Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2016

IRVINE, Calif., November 22, 2016 – BIOLASE, Inc., (NASDAQ: BIOL) the global leader in dental lasers, announced today it will be previewing Epic Pro™, an all-new, innovative dental diode laser system at the upcoming Greater New York Dental Meeting to be held November 25-30 at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City.

The Epic Pro, which offers the most laser power of any diode laser in dentistry, is the first product to be introduced resulting from BIOLASE’s strategic development agreement with IPG Photonics. The newest addition to the Epic family of dental soft-tissue lasers, Epic Pro features several new innovations that are industry-firsts:

·       A new super pulse technology for more precise, enhanced laser tissue cutting;

·       Real-time automatic power control to enhance speed and consistency when performing surgery;

·       Pre-initiated, bendable, disposable tips with new smart tip technology to ensure tip performance and quality.

The new systems will provide even more predictable, minimally-invasive solutions for soft-tissue management than is currently offered by its market-leading Epic X product and other diode lasers on the market. It represents the first premium grade diode laser from BIOLASE and an important example of the kind of innovation BIOLASE is working on, both with IPG and through its internal product development efforts, noted BIOLASE President and CEO Harold C. Flynn, Jr.

 “The introduction of Epic Pro is an important milestone for our company. We are proud to be expanding our diode laser range to incorporate new innovations that will allow dental professionals to manage soft tissue with lasers in a way that no other diode laser has achieved,” Flynn said.  “Epic Pro represents our ongoing commitment to elevating the standard of care in dentistry, and achieving better patient reported outcomes while enabling clinicians to realize better business returns. We are very excited about the possibilities offered to our customers by this new technology addition to our portfolio.”

The Epic Pro laser system is currently undergoing premarket notification review by FDA for dental / surgical operations, intended for use in contact and non-contact techniques for incision, excision, vaporization, ablation, hemostasis, or coagulation of intraoral and extra-oral soft tissue (including marginal and interdental gingiva and epithelial lining of free gingiva). It is not yet available for sale within the United States.

Visit the BIOLASE booth #422 at the Greater New York Dental Meeting to preview this latest breakthrough in soft-tissue laser technology. 

America's ToothFairy and Kolibree Offer Smart Toothbrush Sampling Opportunity for Dental Practices to Improve Dental Health

Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2016

America's ToothFairy: National Children's Oral Health Foundation and Kolibree invite U.S.-based dental practices to participate in a special opportunity to test the world's first connected sonic toothbrush with 3D motion sensors. The toothbrush, developed by French oral care company Kolibree, collects precise, real-time data to improve users' oral health using an interactive smartphone app.

Each participating dental practice will receive, at no cost, 10 Kolibree toothbrushes, valued at $149 each. One or two units will be to test and display at their practice, with the remainder distributed to selected patients. Participating patients must have the ability to make full use of the Kolibree app and features, and agree to use the brush with the application twice a day for 30 days.

Practices interested in participating can apply at The free opportunity is open to 150 practices on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Kolibree app (free on App Store or Google Play) includes an interactive, educational game called Go Pirate!, which teaches children to brush all areas of their mouth thoroughly. As children progress in brushing regularity and proficiency, badges and points are earned, rewarding children for improving their oral health.

"My son gets excited about brushing his teeth and will remind me that it's time to brush. This is simply amazing!" said Lorine, a mom using Kolibree.

Kolibree is making it possible for children and youth involved with America's ToothFairy to also join in the fun. Between now and the end of January, 2017, 200 Kolibree toothbrushes will be distributed as rewards for youth leaders participating in the #MySmileMatters Youth Movement and contest winners from the America's ToothFairy Kids Club. Learn more at

Dr. Carolyn Primus Winner of 2016 Dr. Edward B. Shils Award

Posted on Monday, November 21, 2016

NuSmile Ltd. announced that Dr. Carolyn Primus, leader of its research efforts in bioceramic materials, was a recent winner of the 2016 Dr. Edward B. Shils Award. Dr. Primus was the founder and CEO of advanced mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) manufacturer Avalon Biomed Inc., substantially all of whose assets were recently acquired by NuSmile.

The Dr. Edward B. Shils Award is given to companies, people and organizations that have made an impact on the dental community and oral health. The award is presented by the Dr. Edward B. Shils Entrepreneurial Fund, a nonprofit organization dedicated to innovative leadership in health care. The organization is named after the late Dr. Edward B. Shils, who was the executive director of the Dental Manufacturers of America and the Dental Dealers of America for almost 50 years.

The board of directors presented Dr. Primus with the award based on her “innovation and development of many products for fixed prosthodontics, orthodontics and endodontics to enhance dental procedures and advance the dental profession.”

Dr. Primus has made a profound impact on dentistry through her significant advancements with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), which is used in vital pulp therapy and endodontics. Dr. Primus has three patents in this area that have enabled her to invent an MTA product that is easier to use. The company she founded, Avalon Biomed, has also made this bioactive pulp treatment and endodontic treatment more affordable for clinicians so that it can be used with patients for whom treatment with an MTA might not be financially viable. With Avalon Biomed now a part of NuSmile, Dr. Primus is able to continue her bioactive material research that was originally supported by an NIH SBIR grant.

Dr. Primus stated, “I am delighted and honored to receive the Shils Award. Throughout my dental career, inventing useful biomaterials has remained at the forefront of my goals. The Dr. Edward B. Shils Entrepreneurial Fund has provided me further inspiration to continue to innovate for better dental treatments as part of the NuSmile team.”

More information on the products pioneered by Dr. Primus and Avalon Biomed can be found at

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