Joachim Weiss, the senior partner of the dental specialist at BEGO, invited guests from industry and politics to a reception March 17 to mark his 90th birthday. Staff and friends of BEGO also celebrated in the foyer of the company's headquarters in Bremen, Germany. Weiss was moved by the many kind wishes he received, including from the former mayor of Bremen, Henning Scherf.
The celebrations were officially opened by Christoph Weiss, Joachim's son and Managing Partner of the BEGO Group. He represents the fifth generation to stand at the helm of this medium-sized family company. The afternoon got underway with a humorous yet thoughtful poem written by Christoph Weiss that took a look back at his father's life. Scherf then listed Weiss's achievements for the city of Bremen. Scherf was visibly impressed by BEGO's corporate principles, which Weiss developed together with the staff at BEGO 25 years ago and which remain valid even today – the focus is very much on working in partnership. "You have provided the city with an example of partnership and are a role model for Bremen," Scherf said.
Arend Vollers, former chairman of the East Asian Association in Bremen (OAV) and long-standing friend of the Weiss family, described other stages in Weiss's life. Over the course of 6 decades, the two have shared many private and professional experiences. Master Dental Technician Henning Wulfes, Head of the BEGO Training Center, recalled Weiss's years at the company in a picture presentation and showed that "he was able to make far-sighted decisions when it mattered, and set the course for the company's further development in doing so." The two have known each other for 40 years. Together Wulfes and Weiss witnessed the various phases of development in dental technology, which, according to Wulfes, Weiss played a key role in shaping.
The celebrations were accompanied by musicians from the German Chamber Philharmonic and concluded with the presentation of a sculpture produced using the selective laser melting technique by Carsten Vagt, Head of Technology at BEGO Medical, on behalf of all employees. The sculpture represents the latest milestone in BEGO's history – the Varseo 3D printer – and symbolizes the progressiveness of the company that, without the solid foundations established by Joachim Weiss, would not be possible today.