EHIME, Japan – Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with bone defects by a number of studies. New research from Japan has now provided additional evidence that it may also be involved in the development of tooth decay, according to Dental Tribune. In a study of 1,210 Japanese mother–child pairs, scientists found that dental caries was less prevalent in children whose mothers had a higher vitamin D intake during pregnancy.
In the study, researchers collected information on maternal vitamin D intake during pregnancy using a diet history questionnaire. In addition, the children underwent oral examination at 36–46 months of age and were classified as having dental caries if one or more primary teeth had decayed or had been filled.
Overall, the analysis indicated that higher maternal vitamin D intake during pregnancy may be associated with a lower risk of dental caries, as children whose mothers took more vitamin D had fewer cavities.
According to the researchers, maternal nutrition status affects pre- and post-natal development of children, including formation and mineralisation of children’s teeth.
The study, titled “Higher vitamin D intake during pregnancy is associated with reduced risk of dental caries in young Japanese children”, was published online on 18 April in the Annals of Epidemiology ahead of print.