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Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future Celebrates Milestone

Posted on Tuesday, September 16, 2014

On September 12, 2014, the Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future (ACFF) marked its 5th annual summit at the FDI World Dental Congress in New Delhi, India. The ACFF, which received official charity status last year, aims to create a social movement lead by a worldwide dental and public health experts with the goal of a Cavity-Free Future for all age groups. 

Since its establishment in 2010, the Alliance has increased its global presence to 15 chapters around the world, including Australia, Brazil, Central America, Central Eastern Europe, China, Colombia, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Pan-Europe, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Turkey and Venezuela, with additional chapters to follow. A sampling of activities include providing tools via a local ACFF Website, securing commitment from dental school deans to integrate caries prevention and management into school curriculum and promoting community-based education and prevention programs to families and communities. 

“We are thrilled at the progress the Alliance has made since launching in 2010,” said Dr. Nigel Pitts, Chair of the global ACFF. “Establishing 15 local chapters worldwide is a notable milestone in our journey towards a Cavity-Free Future.” 

This year’s summit focuses on driving outcomes in the future of cavity prevention and management, including an update on the ACFF’s progress across the globe, specific achievements in India, and a discussion around the new tools being utilized around the globe to improve oral health. Timing follows closely on the launch of a local Indian chapter at the Indian Dental Conference held in February 2014. Dental caries is the most common oral disease that affects significant portion of the Indian population.i The prevalence of caries in the country is reported 31.5% to 89%.ii Dr. Mahesh Verma, Chair of the Indian ACFF chapter, was on hand at the summit to provide a case study and input on how the local chapter aims to collaborate with stakeholders across various levels, including government and community leaders, to move towards a Cavity-Free Future. 

For more information about the ACFF, please visit 

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