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Mobile-based Program Promoting Oral Healthcare to Announce Expansion at GNYDM

Posted on Thursday, November 21, 2013

MESA, Ariz. -- On Sunday, Dec. 1, 2013, A.T. Still University’s Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health (ATSU-ASDOH) will announce the global expansion of Text2Floss - an innovative, mobile-based program promoting oral healthcare – at the 89th Annual Greater New York Dental Meeting. At this meeting Latin America will be highlighted with a live broadcast demonstrating Text2Floss.

In conjunction with ATSU-ASDOH, The American Dental Hygienists’ Association will officially announce its commitment to the continued success of Text2Floss program. “As dental hygienists, we are a community of professionals devoted to health promotion and disease prevention” said ADHA President Denise Bowers, RDH PhD. “We are excited to continue our partnership with Text2Floss as it offers important and innovative tools for patient education and, ultimately, for the prevention of disease.”

Text2Floss is a free mobile information service and a non for profit initiative designed to raise the awareness of and promote oral health through text message technology backed by technological support from CellTrust Corporation. Through a seven-day text message exchange, Text2Floss is available on a live platform at . Additionally, ATSU-ASDOH is developing a mobile app for the iPhone, which will forge a link between oral health and overall health.

“The widespread global use of cell phones combined with the popularity of text messaging makes Text2Floss a powerful and cost-effective medium for oral health messaging,” said program founder Tony Hashemian, DDS, assistant dean, Global Oral Health, ATSU-ASDOH. “Text2Floss has the potential to reach people across the nation and globally.”

The Greater NY Dental Meeting, in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization, will broadcast the Text2Floss expansion in Spanish.

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