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Academy of Laser Dentistry Launches Membership Drive, Announces New CE Participation Tracks

Posted on Thursday, November 14, 2013


Coral Springs, FL - Nov. 12, 2013-- The Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD), an international professional membership association of dental practitioners dedicated to the advancement of the use of lasers in dentistry, is launching a membership drive offering discounted membership rates for a limited time.

The ALD 2014 Conference, February 27-March 1 in Scottsdale, Arizona, features tracked sessions designed to meet the needs of those seeking Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) Participation Course credit hours towards the AGD's Fellowship and Mastership Awards.Interested practitioners are invited to attend the Academy of Laser Dentistry 2014 conference to engage in learning laser utilization in the following areas and apply these participation credit hours in:

- Implantology

- Periodontology and Periodontal Maintenance

- Endodontics

- Pediatric Dentistry

- Myofacial Pain Management

- Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine, and Oral Diagnosis

Register is currently available at

Courses are designed to allow participants to acquire didactic information and an opportunity to actually try a new method or device in a non-threatening atmosphere before either buying it or using it on a patient. These are efforts to reflect the Academy of General Dentistry's mission of assisting dentists' ongoing commitment to provide quality care through continuing education, as well as to help "change perspectives and broaden horizons," the theme of ALD's 21st Annual Conference: Lasers Coming of Age: 21 Years of Enlightenment, said Dr. Raminta Mastis, ALD's Chair of General and Scientific Sessions. The offerings of full-day tracks in specific disciplines, at no additional fee above the conference registration, offer an exceptional opportunity to earn participation credit on the AGD journey to excellence in achieving either Fellowship or Mastership Awards.

For more information, contact Gail Siminovsky, CAE, Executive Director at, 954-346-3776, or visit

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