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New Molecule Can Kill Cavity-Causing Bacteria, May Make Teeth Cavity-Proof

Posted on Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Scientists have created a new molecule that may make teeth cavity-proof and could significantly change dental care, according to a report on

The new molecule, named Keep 32, after the 32 teeth in a human mouth, can wipe out bacteria that cause cavities in just 60 seconds.

Researchers José Córdoba from Yale University and Erich Astudillo from the University of Chile say that the molecule can be added to any dental care product, like toothpaste and mouthwash and even to sweets and chewing gum.

They say that as long as the product stays in the mouth for 60 seconds, it will kill all the Streptococcus Mutans, making teeth cavity-proof for a number of hours.

Cordova and Astudillo began their research in 2005, and want to bring their product to the market in 14 to 18 months, after they pass human safety trials in the US.

If the product passes clinical testing, Keep 32 could make its way into toothpaste and other oral healthcare products and could even be added to food to stop bacteria from damaging teeth at the time of eating.

The researchers say they want to license the patent to dental care manufacturers such as Colgate and Procter & Gamble.


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