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CE Event: New Dimensions in Endodontics

Posted on Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New Dimensions in Endodontics

Presenter: Alex Fleury, DDS, MS

May 3, 2013

Savannah, Georgia

For more information/to register, click here.

The lecture segment of this presentation will concentrate on two areas. 1) How to incorporate new material science, such as

bioceramic technology into your practice and 2) How to perform root canal therapy in such a manner that you actually

enhance the long-term prognosis of the tooth. The goal of this program is to have all dentists learn how to perform

endodontics in such a manner that they can offer their patients a predictable long-term natural dentition option as an

alternative to implants.

Included in the lecture component will be a thorough discussion concerning access, non- surgical ultrasonic use, rotary file

design, instrumentation techniques, and a new bioceramic obturation method. Particular emphasis will be placed on

developing endodontic synchronicity between a machined preparation and a laser verified master bioceramic coated cone.

Additionally, a new obturation technique (Synchronized Hydraulic Condensation) will be introduced and all participants will

have the opportunity to validate these concepts during the hands-on session. The hands-on session provides the participants

the opportunity to use "Real World " techniques and to witness first-hand, how they will change the way they practice

endodontics. Time will also be dedicated to "Preventing the Separation of Rotary Files" and the use of piezo electric

ultrasonics will be available at all times. We will deliver "Just the Facts ... Nothing but the Facts."

During this lecture/hands-on participants will learn:

1. How to create straight-line access that will expedite the endodontic process.

2. Discover how endodontics can be precision-based.

3. The importance of preserving coronal radicular dentin.

4. How to "machine" or "mill" an endodontic preparation.

5. The benefits of developing "endodontic synchronicity" between a machined preparation and a master cone.

6. The multiple advantages of performing a constant .04 taper preparation.

7. Learn the new “synchronized hydraulic condensation” technique featuring the use of bioceramic technology.

8. How best to restore an endodontically treated tooth.

9. The multiple benefits of piezo electric ultrasonics.

10. Most importantly of all, how to perform endodontics in such a manner that you do not compromise the long-term

retention of the tooth. In fact, learn how to do endodontics so that you actually enhance the long-term prognosis of the tooth.

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