CHICAGO, April 30, 2012 – The American Dental Association (ADA) announces the locations for its future Annual Sessions for the years 2014 through 2018. Many of the following locations are new hosts:
2014, San Antonio, October 9-14
2015, Washington, DC, November 5-10
2016, Denver, October 20-25
2017, Atlanta, October 19-24
2018, San Francisco, September 27-October 2
The Annual Session has moved among various U.S. cities since its inception in 1859. The Council on ADA Sessions, comprised of ADA member dentists, reviews a variety of criteria in selecting Annual Session locations. The criteria for site selection include attendee appeal, geographic diversity, location variety, profit potential and availability of volunteers as defined by the volunteer members of the council. The council then submits its recommendations to the ADA Board of Trustees for approval.
“These criteria help us ensure we’re representing our dentists in all regions and providing opportunities for all of them to be able to attend near their practice and home at some point,” said Dr. Kent Percy, 2012 chair, Council on ADA Sessions.
World Marketplace Exhibition
The ADA Annual Session offers attendees the opportunity to explore the World Marketplace Exhibition, where they may visit more than 600 leading providers of dental products and services.
“The mobility of the ADA Annual Session is one of the reasons we focus considerable resources to attending the meeting each year,” said Allison Farey, president of Wells Fargo Practice Finance. “We consider the Annual Session to be the premier dental meeting because it allows us to reach our customers and potential customers all across the U.S.”
Recent Annual Session Locations
More than 27,000 people from 79 different countries attended the ADA’s 2011 Annual Session in Las Vegas. Additional past meeting locations were: Orlando (2010), Honolulu (2009), San Antonio (2008) and San Francisco (2007).
“We would not be able to organize such successful events each year without the great support of members in the hosting cities. I wish to thank the thousands of individuals who have played an important role in the ADA’s premier event,” said Dr. William R. Calnon, president of the American Dental Association.
For more information on the ADA Annual Session, please visit