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ADA Launches New Dentist Blog

Posted on Wednesday, October 9, 2013

CHICAGO, Sept. 18, 2013 —The New Dentist Committee (NDC) recently launched a blog, New Dentist Now, to provide resources for new dentists and dental students.

"New Dentist Now is a one-stop shop for the latest news, great advice and fun stories for new dentists," said Dr. Chris Salierno, 2012-2013 chair of the NDC.

"The content is generated by new dentist leaders throughout the tripartite. There is also a wealth of best practices for new dentist events. A local new dentist chair can read about a hugely successful meeting from the other side of the country and bring that idea to new dentists in their area. A blog is a great way to inspire and inform our fellow new dentists."

Recent blog posts have covered topics on growing your dental practice, ethics, leadership, communicating with your dental team and more.

A new dentist is a dentist who graduated from dental school fewer than 10 years ago. The NDC serves as the voice of the new dentist within the American Dental Association (ADA). Comprising 17 members representing each of the ADA’s regional districts, the NDC is a national committee of the ADA Board of Trustees. Committee members, who each serve one four-year term, monitor and anticipate new dentist needs, advocate for the development of benefits, services and resources to facilitate professional and practice success, plan the annual ADA New Dentist Conference and support the New Dentist Committee Network across the United States, among other activities.

New dentists are encouraged to contribute articles for the New Dentist Now blog by contacting the New Dentist Committee at

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