The acrylic resin used to make dentures is fragile. Dentures can break down from fatigue caused by continual micro-shocks while chewing. A denture can easily break if dropped, resulting in unpleasant and potentially embarrassing situations for your patients. Now, you can prevent these situations from happening by prescribing Fiber Force dentures.
FiBER FORCE® dentures are as much 3 times more resistant to fracture and a denture reinforced or repaired with FiBER FORCE® is significantly more resistant to fatigue break-down over time. Though FiBER FORCE® is ideally suited for all new full dentures, it is particularly indicated anywhere traditional metal reinforcements are used: Patient dentures are fitting well but are still breaking, A full denture combined with natural dentition in the opposing jaw, Thin dentures where vertical space is limited, Patients with strong bites, Removable implant-supported dentures.
An independent study has shown that denture acrylic loses 40% of its fracture resistance after being repaired by traditional methods. Most often, repaired dentures will just break again. By reinforcing the repair with FiBER FORCE® UD fibers, it is possible to add significant fracture and fatigue resistance to the repaired denture. A study has shown that repaired denture acrylic that is reinforced with UD pre-impregnated e-glass fibers (the material used to make FiBER FORCE®) was 58% stronger than the original acrylic and 166% stronger than acyclic repaired in a traditional method.