GC Advanced Technologies Inc. (GCAT), a subsidiary of GC America, produces high quality CAD/CAM custom abutments and copings that the laboratories and their doctors are proud to provide for their patience. GCAT produces Aadva Titanium, All Zirconia, and Blend (Hybrid) Abutments for most major implant systems on the market today. GCAT’s All Zirconia and Blend abutments are available in 10 different shades.
According to Brian Sanchez, National Sales and Marketing Manager for GCAT, “our goal is to provide the laboratories and doctors with a greater array of color management choices when working with GCAT’s Zirconia products, especially for challenging cases in the esthetic zone”. GCAT also offers Aadva Zirconia Copings in the same 10 shades as the GCAT Aadva Zr and Blend (Hybrid) Abutments. Ti Copings rounds out the list of products available for the Aadva product line that GCAT manufactures. GCAT is an industry leader in diverse case acceptance.
GCAT can accept STL files from the 3Shape system. Customers can choose to scan the case in-lab and have GCAT design and mill, or the lab can scan and design the cases and have GCAT just be a milling partner. The laboratory can also send in full contour wax-ups where GCAT scans and copy mills the design, or the lab can ship cases to GCAT for scan, design, and mill. This diversity in case acceptance sets GCAT apart from most other milling centers.