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Lava™ C.O.S. Software Update by 3M ESPE

Lava™ C.O.S. Software Update


3M ESPE has introduced the next generation of software that will power its Lava Chairside Oral Scanner C.O.S. Designed to promote more efficient scanning, the upgrades to Lava Software 3.0 include 3M ESPE has made another leap in digital replication. Lava Software 3.0 includes several significant upgrades, which improve the productivity and simplicity of the revolutionary Lava C.O.S system. Easy Scan, get an overall-easier and more comfortable scanning experience. You’ll have more scanning options that require fewer wand rotations and fixed scanning paths, making a quadrant or a full-arch a faster and easier experience. Scan Rewind. No need to worry about starting over if you veer off course. Now you can erase in 10-second increments. Smart Scan. Now the software eliminates extraneous scanned data, such as a cheek or a tongue. Simply move the obstruction and continue to scan the tooth anatomy—and Smart Scan automatically removes unwanted data. Occlusal Reduction Tool. Now you can identify under-reduced regions and premature contact points—before your patient leaves the chair. 

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