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Inside Dentistry
February 2016
Volume 12, Issue 2

VistaPure Water Filtration System

Two grades of high-quality water for all practice sterilization needs

For more than a decade, the industry-leading VistaPure water filtration system has provided thousands of dental practices with two grades of high-quality water for autoclaves, dental bottles, ultrasonic cleaners, and the rinse cycle of instrument washers. VistaPure connects to the city water supply, sending purified water anywhere it is needed in the sterilization center.

It is important to use the correct grade of water for different applications because water is considered the “universal solvent” for its ability to dissolve different substances. Deionized (or distilled-quality) water is dispensed from VistaPure’s point-and-shoot wand for filling autoclaves. In addition, because this grade of zero-TDS (total dissolved solids) water can actually “attack” certain metals used in dental delivery units and equipment over time, the system also produces hyper-filtered water, which is best suited for filling dental bottles and ultrasonic cleaners, and for the rinse cycle of instrument washers.

With the recent introduction of an instrument washer adapter kit and patent-pending auto-fill devices for SciCan STATIM and Bravo autoclaves, VistaPure provides truly hands-free convenience for dental office staff. The instrument washer adapter kit protects expensive dental instruments and equipment by using hyper-filtered water for the final rinse cycle. Available auto-fill devices connect to the VistaPure system to automatically replenish STATIM and Bravo autoclaves with distilled-quality water, as it’s needed.

VistaPure is compact enough to mount under a countertop in the sterilization center, where it can slide in and out for easy access to the TDS meter and filters. It features an onboard permeate pump to boost its production efficiency, and also includes a large storage tank to ensure that filtered water is ready on demand. It is powered by water pressure, and doesn’t require electricity or chemicals.

Distributed by SciCan, Inc. ( and available through your local dental distributor, VistaPure eliminates the hassle and expense of utilizing jugs of water.


• Provides two grades of high-quality water for autoclaves, dental bottles, ultrasonic cleaners, and instrument washers
• Autoclave-ready (deionized) water eliminates buying distilled water or owning a distiller
• Handheld, point-and-shoot wand enables staff to fill autoclaves easily
• Mounted lead-free faucet makes it easy to fill bottles over a sink
• Large storage tank ensures a high volume of water is ready to use, on demand
• Accessories fill compatible autoclaves and instrument washers automatically

Video Resource

For a closer look at the VistaPure Water Filtration System, visit

For more information, contact:

SciCan, Inc.

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