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Inside Dentistry
January 2013
Volume 9, Issue 1


The hemostatic retraction paste for every situation.

It really does not matter how well defined the preparation margins are. Clinicians who do not obtain good hemostasis and moisture control during the retraction process will never capture every aspect of the margins in their elastomeric or digital impression.

Dryz™, Parkell’s new hemostatic retraction paste (Figure 1), helps dentists capture margins by controlling fluids and displacing tissue. Dryz can be used in combination with retraction cord, electrosurgical troughing, laser troughing, or compression caps. It can also be used completely on its own.

Dryz does not require a special dispensing gun. The handheld disposable syringe and the bendable single-use dispensing tips make placement of Dryz around the crown preparation quick and convenient (Figure 2). To optimize the site for either an elastomeric impression or to capture the preparation with any CAD/CAM system, simply rinse it away with a stream of water from the air-water syringe 2 minutes after placement.

The Importance of a Dry Field

Failure to consider the consequences of margin contamination when placing a class V composite or a class II composite with a deep proximal box can lead to marginal breakdown and recurrent decay. Failure to control the seepage of blood and crevicular fluids at the margins during cementation of ceramic crowns and veneers may not only lead to marginal breakdown, but also can result in unintended staining at the margins as well as under the body of the restoration.

Crown Insertion

For doctors who do not currently have in-office CAD/CAM systems, the crown procedure usually requires two appointments. The first appointment is to prepare, impress, and temporize, while the second appointment is to insert the crown.

Gingival inflammation around the temporary is not uncommon. Perhaps the patient did not maintain the area for fear of dislodging the temporary. Perhaps there was some residual temporary cement that was not removed during the initial appointment. Perhaps the temporary’s margins were overextended. Whatever the reason, there is a strong likelihood that when the temporary is removed and the preparation is cleaned and pre-treated for crown insertion, something will occur that will cause the inflamed tissue to bleed.

In less than 3 minutes from placement to rinsing away, Dryz will take control of blood and crevicular fluids around the preparation, stopping both in their tracks. This allows for completion of the crown cementation process at the same visit.

Class V Restorations

In restorative dentistry, the margin of a subgingival class V is one of the most challenging areas in which to maintain a dry field during placement of a composite. Even in cases where a laser or electrosurgical gingivectomy is necessary to expose the full carious lesion, bleeding and crevicular fluid seepage can persist. Once again, a 2-minute application of Dryz to the operative site will control these fluids and promote optimal conditions for successful bonding.

One Less Thing to Worry About

Even with careful planning, every dentist knows that a day in the office is filled with oral landmines that can be triggered at the most inopportune moment. While Dryz will never clear the mouth of broken roots during an extraction or separated files during a root canal, it can assist the clinician in sidestepping unexpected hemorrhagic situations that can disrupt the daily schedule and compromise patient care.

For more information, contact:

Parkell Inc.
Phone: 800-243-7446


The preceding material was provided by the manufacturer. The statements and opinions contained therein are solely those of the manufacturer and not of the editors, publisher, or the Editorial Board of Inside Dentistry.

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