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Inside Dentistry
December 2012
Volume 8, Issue 12

The TruDenta® System

A systematic approach to assessing and treating muscle and force dysfunction.

The TruDenta® System is a state-of-the-art, complete system for assessing, treating, and managing dynamic force imbalances in the mouth (Figure 1). It incorporates patented assessment and treatment technology and software, supplemented by extensive clinical training and ongoing practice implementation assistance.

TruDenta examination and assessment devices objectively measure and visually illustrate causes of patient symptoms relating to dentomandibular sensorimotor dysfunction. Visualization enhances patient acceptance of treatment and contributes to greater objectivity and treatment monitoring. The system uses TruDentaScan digital force measurement technology to evaluate the amount and balance of forces during closure, at closure, and while chewing. Another assessment component is the computerized TruDentaROM (Range of Motion) tool, which measures the cervical range of motion as expressed in the patient’s head movements. A cervical range of motion disability correlates with a mandibular range of motion disability and/or an imbalance in the dental foundation.

The multiple TruDenta treatment devices and modalities, which represent a proven combination of sports medicine rehabilitation and advanced dentistry technologies, are cleared by the FDA. The TruDenta therapy combination is proprietary, unique, and proven to achieve consistent relief and dental foundation rehabilitation for patients. 

The examination process includes a head health, medical, and headache history, as well as pharmacological assessment. The physical examination is supplemented by objective findings, including mandibular range of motion disability, cervical range of motion disability (digitally), and digital force analysis (TruDentaScan). These findings are combined with a standard panoramic radiographic examination. Thorough dental, periodontal, airway, orthodontic, and occlusal examinations are also recommended and encouraged. It is important to note that the range of motion portion of the assessment process provides objective data to American Medical Association guidelines, which is helpful in attracting new patient referrals from the physician community.

The TruDenta examination of forces placed on the masticatory system is significant for determining the extent of a patient’s sensorimotor dysfunction. Abnormal, excessive, or imbalanced forces reliably indicate dysfunction and injury.

Once assessed, patients receive a series of treatment therapies using a proprietary combination of low-level laser therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, and transcutaneous electrical stimulation (ie, sub-threshold micro-current). Each of these modalities was originally developed by doctors in sports medicine to speed the healing of joints and force-related traumas. While the TMJ is the most complex joint in the body, it responds to therapies in a similar fashion to ankles, knees, shoulders, and other joints typically treated in sports medicine. Treatments are usually performed by staff members trained by TruDenta doctors at either the University of Nevada Las Vegas or NOVA Southeastern dental schools. TruDenta combines these with advanced dentistry, as appropriate, to provide patients with predictable and long-lasting outcomes.

With the TruDenta system, dentists can use a systematic approach to assessing and treating muscle and force dysfunction. Simultaneously, they can provide patients with an opportunity to address their symptoms and problems through a pathway to long-term predictable health and dental stability, without drugs, needles, or pain.

For more information, contact:
Dental Resource Systems, Inc.
Phone: 855-770-4002


The preceding material was provided by the manufacturer. The statements and opinions contained therein are solely those of the manufacturer and not of the editors, publisher, or the Editorial Board of Inside Dentistry.

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