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Inside Dental Technology
October 2015
Volume 6, Issue 10

Rediscover Your Productivity with Identica Hybrid

Model and impression scanning for your digital laboratory

When designing Identica HYBRID, we focused on the requirements of your laboratory in order to develop a precise, fast, and reliable machine that is easy to learn and easy to use. Identica Hybrid is our most powerful scanner to date, offering a 3-axis scanning arm for auto-double impression scans, faster speeds, and color scan data for added accuracy. We built upon the speed and precision of our Identica Blue 2015 and made improvements in almost every area.

Identica Hybrid is equipped to scan for both models and impressions. We have pushed the limits of our impression scanning technology to offer more speed, details, and accuracy with the benefit of a 3-axis impression arm that enables an auto-double impression scan in 1 step.

A More Efficient Laboratory

Our R&D team has worked hard to improve scan times and data efficiency. Compared to previous models, Identica Hybrid has 74% faster scan times. A full arch can be captured in 16 seconds and our new data file format is 84% lighter, which helps to significantly decrease processing times.

Also, our new flexible multi-die feature speeds up your workflow by allowing you to scan a full arch, or partials, with single dies simultaneously or up to 8 single dies separately. Compared to conventional methods, our flexible multi-die feature will give you significant time savings. And as always, Identica Hybrid comes with a large scanning chamber so you can easily work with multiple types of articulators (Artex, Sam, Kavo) and large models.

Reinventing Usability

At Medit we understand that usability is critical in your laboratory. We have made sure that Identica Hybrid not only scans with speed and precision but also is easy to use. Our new Identica Software 2.0 upgrade is intuitive and color-coded with a re-designed user interface. Your work is auto-saved and you can save, redo, and undo your jobs at any point.

More Accuracy, More Details

We understand that your business depends upon accuracy and precision, and at Medit we have made it our mission to build reliable scanners with precision you can count on. Whether you are scanning an impression, implant bar, or bridge, the Identica Hybrid can meet your needs as we can guarantee a new level of precision and accuracy.

Identica Hybrid uses triple-camera scanning technology with color texture support, enabling technicians to include hand-drawn markings in the digital design—resulting in high-detail images of the model or impression surface.

Identica Hybrid's scan accuracy is regularly tested at ±7μm with a standard deviation of only ±2μm to guarantee you high-quality scans every time. In addition, our patented intelligent multi-view (IMV) technology enables scanning into the deep occlusal areas to provide you with more detail and more accuracy. Our standard blue light and structured light scan technology will continue to give you the results your team deserves.

Commitment to You

Since 2000, Medit has been committed to building high-quality, reliable 3D dental scanners that work for you every day. We can set up remote support sessions in which our trained technicians are able to look directly into your scanner to identify problem areas. Should your scanner need to be sent in for repairs, you are now able to ship it to our new service center in Sacramento. In addition, we offer periodic on-site training and online video tutorials for your staff.

Identica Hybrid represents the apex in 3D dental scanning. With nearly unsurpassed speed, accuracy, reliability, and award-winning design, Identica Hybrid was built to push your laboratory further.

Disclaimer: The statements and opinions contained in the preceding material are not of the editors, publisher, or the Editorial Board of Inside Dental Technology.

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