Choosing materials and techniques to provide edentulous patients with optimal function and natural esthetics
Review of the state of implantology, including recent advancements and what's on the horizon
Diagnosis and management of porcelain-induced wear with compensatory eruption
Abutment selection for implant restorations and considerations for treatment planning implants
Implants are a viable alternative to traditional tooth replacement
2011 technology update on image guidance in implant dentistry
Mini dental implants can be used for denture stabilization in medically compromised patients
Static-template, computer-guided implant-surgery can improve patient outcomes compared to more traditional methods
Careful diagnosis and timing boost the chances for success of restoration with GBR prior to or in combination with implant placement
Options for the dentist and the patient
Using immediate implants and immediate fixed provisionalization to replace the mandibular anterior sextant
Learn the three core factors to building a successful implant dentistry practice