This case report illustrates the use of a number of digital techniques for both treatment planning and fabrication of the final restoration.
The purpose of this patient report is to accurately portray the clinical experience of treating an active bulimic patient by employing an immediately loaded dental implant protocol to provide the pati...
Will digital methods soon overtake analog production of dentures?
This article discusses varying approaches for dealing with gingival changes and suggests protocol modifications during the implant treatment-planning phase.
Because adapting to new conventional dentures is highly variable, there is uncertainty as to how long dissatisfied patients should wait before choosing a treatment with dental implants. The authors in...
The authors tested whether a novel dental gauge that adjusts the mandibular position in both anterior-posterior (A-P) and vertical directions would improve the airway opening. A pilot study of nine pa...
This article reviews the rationale, techniques, and advantages of a guided full-arch immediatefunction implant treatment modality that includes placement of a prefabricated, bar-supported, monolithic ...
This case report documents the rationale and procedure for bonding a veneered zirconia restoration. The case demonstrates that, when properly designed, veneered zirconia restorations offer acceptable ...
Much attention has been focused on peri-implant disease, particularly in regard to its prevalence and the need to develop proper therapeutic approaches and modalities for its treatment.
A brief history of speech and swallow prostheses is presented along with recommendations for diagnosis and referral.