A Novel Concept for Developing a Precise and Predictable Post and Core Complex Using the Injectable Resin Technique (Part 2)

Douglas A. Terry, DDS; John O. Burgess, DDS, MS; John M. Powers, PhD; and Markus B. Blatz, DMD, PhD

April 2024 Issue - Expires Friday, April 30th, 2027

Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry


Post and core systems have long been used in dentistry for the purposes of replacing missing coronal tooth structure, retaining the core, and providing sufficient retention and resistance form to the final restoration to re-establish original form and function. While Part 1 of this two-part article provided a history of post and core systems and materials and discussed empirical data regarding fiber-reinforced post systems, this second part of the article focuses on an alternative approach for developing a fiber-reinforced post and core system using a monoblock system via the injectable resin technique and a recently developed fiber-optic post. The present article explains the concept of a ferrule effect and demonstrates the novel restorative procedure.

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Part 1 of this article (Compendium, March 2024) described the history of post and core usage in dentistry, including the various systems and materials utilized for this purpose. It also provided empirical data regarding fiber-reinforced post systems. This second part of the discussion presents a novel concept for developing a precise, predictable post and core complex using the injectable resin method and a newly developed fiber-optic post system.

Developing a Monoblock System Using the Injectable Resin Technique

A system is defined as any set of components working together for the overall objective of the whole.1 The components of a direct fiber-reinforced composite resin post system are the root dentin surface, intraradicular post, core buildup, luting cement, and final restoration. Four interfaces are among these surfaces. A monoblock adhesive system allows for an uninterrupted bonding at all interfaces, resulting in increased resistance to fatigue and fracture, enhanced retention, and reduced microleakage and bacterial infiltration. An adhesive integration of these five components provides structural integrity for intraradicular rehabilitation.1-3 This combined adhesive assembly forms a mechanically homogenous functional unit (monoblock) with improved biomechanical performance that reduces stress at the interface and improves the force distribution while minimizing the potential for fracture.4-9 In vitro studies have demonstrated that the presence of resin-based cement and a fiber post provides a monoblock system that can significantly improve the fracture resistance of structurally weakened roots.10-12

A new concept for developing a monoblock system involves the use of a fiber-reinforced post system and the injection resin technique. A study by Stylianou et al reported that a particular fiber-optic post system had consistent light transmittance throughout the entire length of the post and a significantly greater light-transmitting ability, even with a light-polymerized resin cement. According to their research, the improved polymerization of the resin cement around the fiber-optic posts is related to the posts' different optical properties and composition, as well as the density and orientation of their fibers.13 The clinical case presented in this article provides a clinical illustration of the use of a light-cured flowable resin composite instead of a dual-cured composite resin cement with this fiber-optic post system. This technologically advanced fiber post system reportedly delivers substantial light to the apex, increasing resin flowable polymerization.1 This occurs because of the fiber-optic glass fibers that force all light rays in the acceptance angle to be totally internally reflected and transmitted to the end of the post.

Developing a Ferrule Effect

The concept of "ferrule" or "ferrule effect" is considered the most essential element for the reinforcement of an endodontically treated tooth.14,15 The term originates from the Latin roots "ferrum" meaning iron and "viriola" meaning bracelet. Thus, the ferrule is an encompassing band or ring of cast metal that embraces the coronal surface of the tooth.9,11,12,14-28

A modified interpretation is that parallel walls of dentin extending coronally from the crown margin provide a ferrule preparation design, which after being surrounded by a crown provides a protective mechanism against fracture by reducing stresses within the tooth; this is called the "ferrule effect."20,22 The ferrule design has also been described as incorporating a crown with a 360-degree collar that encompasses the perimeter of the prepared parallel dentin walls and extends cervically to the prepared tooth margin. This design improves the mechanical resistance of the treated tooth by distributing forces on the remaining tooth structure.24,29-31 Preserving tooth structure during preparation is paramount in preventing stress concentrations at the cementoenamel junction of the endodontically restored tooth and providing resistance to tooth fracture. Because maximum preservation of coronal and radicular tooth structure is imperative for optimizing biomechanical behavior of the restored tooth and the long-term survival of endodontically treated crowned teeth,20,32-34 the completed crown preparation should have a ferrule design that encapsulates the endodontically restored tooth complex (Figure 1). The objective of the ferrule is to enhance the structural integrity of the endodontically treated tooth by counteracting stresses such as functional lever forces, the wedging effect of tapered post systems, and lateral forces generated during post placement.9,14,24,35-38 Design parameters to consider for the effectiveness of the ferrule include: number of walls; ferrule width, height, and configuration; design of the cervical collar; type of tooth; the tooth's location in the oral cavity (ie, maxilla/mandible, anterior/posterior); occlusal forces; remaining wall parallelism; post design and material; core material and type; thickness of cement; and type of restoration.9,12,14,19,20,22,24,29-31,39-52

Studies indicate that at least 1 mm to 2 mm of remaining tooth structure coronal to the preparation finish line is required to establish an adequate ferrule.24,48,53 Other studies propose that a ferrule height of 2 mm of vertical sound tooth structure offers the most favorable resistance to tooth fracture and the most optimal stress distributions,54 thus decreasing the weakening effect of a post system.45 Numerous studies have indicated that a uniform ferrule provides a significantly greater resistance to fracture than a non-uniform ferrule.45,46,55 A partial ferrule, however, has been suggested to be a better alternative than no ferrule, although a circumferential coronal structure extending 1.5 mm to 2 mm from the margin of the crown has an improved prognosis.20 One study concluded that the clinical success of endodontically treated premolars was improved when a ferrule of at least 2 mm was present.56 Also, in vitro and clinical studies have demonstrated that allowing 2 mm of coronal tissue to remain around the entire circumference of the endodontically treated tooth will provide resistance such that the design of the post and material are irrelevant.24,57-61

Dislodgment and tooth fracture are causes of post and core restoration failure. A finite element analysis of ferrule design confirmed that a ferrule increases the mechanical resistance of a post/core/crown restorative complex by reducing the potential for displacement.31 A restoration without a ferrule is susceptible to failure from debonding and subsequently by root fracture through the lever action motion of the unstable debonded post.31 Core stability and post retention are important aspects in preventing these failures in the restoration of endodontically treated teeth. The stability of the crown is influenced by the preparation design. This collar effect provides an anti-rotational feature to aid in the stability of the crown. The ideal treatment should replace lost tooth structure while providing adequate retention and support to the core, allowing retention of the restoration while transferring occlusal forces during function and parafunction to prevent root fracture. Root fractures are prevalent in endodontically treated teeth without an adequate ferrule effect.16,62 A direct correlation has been reported between the amount of existing sound coronal tooth structure and the capacity of the tooth to resist occlusal forces.63-66

The authors' general guideline is to have a 1-mm to 2-mm preparation on sound tooth structure. Procedures that provide a shoulder on tooth structure and an axial preparation on the core buildup likely will have an insufficient ferrule design and will compromise the ferrule effect.21 It has been suggested, therefore, that although the ferrule is recommended and desirable, it should not be provided at the detriment of the remaining tooth and/or root structure.16 In cases where there is insufficient sound coronal tooth structure for the ferrule design, this dimension needs to be obtained through periodontal crown lengthening and/or forced tooth eruption procedures to achieve optimal clinical results. If these treatment options are not feasible after informing the patient, alternatives to consider include a post and core with a crown, an extraction with an implant-supported crown, or a fixed (conventional or adhesive bridge) or removable prosthesis.21

Preservation or Replacement of the Natural Tooth?

A frequent dilemma often juxtaposed is the concern over preserving or replacing a compromised natural tooth.67,68 Dental implants provide an appropriate alternative for replacing teeth that cannot be treated with a predictable and favorable prognosis.69 Today, however, many compromised teeth are extracted and replaced with an implant with limited consideration for the vast reconstructive options that are available to restore and maintain them.70 This extraction-oriented reconstructive mentality may be founded on the misconception that endodontically treated teeth are considered inferior to implants with regard to long-term stability and retention.71,72 This misconception is the catalyst for the confusion regarding success or survival outcomes of implants and endodontics.71 Nevertheless, contemporary dentistry should follow an evidence-based approach.71,73

Studies have demonstrated that endodontic and implant therapies have provided similar long-term results.68 One meta-analysis indicated there was no significant difference in success rates between restored single implants (95%) and endodontically treated teeth (94%) over 6 years.74 Another study reported positive outcomes of 74% for implants and 84% for endodontically treated teeth; however, in this study the rate of complications and required interventions was significantly higher in the implant group, and patients required a longer period of time to adjust to the implant restoration.75 Another review evidenced that the failure rate of implants is higher than that of natural teeth in clinically well-maintained patients.73 Furthermore, restorations on implants have shown to have a lower life expectancy over 5 to 10 years than the implants themselves.76 Other long-term studies report high success rates with modern endodontic microsurgery.77-80 Thus, numerous studies and publications have reviewed and debated the question of whether preservation by nonsurgical and surgical endodontic methods or an extraction and replacement with an implant is more beneficial in the long-term.72,81-93

Today, many teeth are replaced with implants because the procedure is considered simpler, requires a shorter treatment time, and is more lucrative than preserving a natural tooth, and the latter may require more knowledge and advanced training to achieve an optimal interdisciplinary treatment strategy.71,94 Also, this self-limiting direction may be responsible for the narrower views, which exclude other disciplines of dentistry.71 The development of modern techniques and materials with advanced technology in all disciplines of dentistry should allow for the preservation and maintenance of natural teeth. The concept of less invasive to more invasive as time requires should be the philosophy of today's dental profession. Thus, each discipline should complement the other and not compete for the long-term health and benefit of the patient.71 Regardless of the selected treatment-whether preserving natural teeth or replacing them with implants-the patient should be part of the restorative solution.95

The following section presents the aforementioned restorative concepts for developing a fiber-reinforced post and core complex using the injectable resin technique to restore an endodontically compromised tooth while providing a precise, repeatable, and predictable result.

Restorative Procedure

Restorative failure of an existing amalgam restoration on the maxillary left first premolar from recurrent caries is documented here (Figure 2). The periapical radiograph revealed an extensive carious lesion extending into the pulp chamber. After clinical and radiographic evaluation, a treatment plan was discussed with the patient that included endodontic therapy, crown lengthening, and reinforcing the root and supporting the tooth-restorative complex with a fiber-reinforced post and core system.

After completion of the endodontic treatment and crown lengthening to develop an ideal ferrule effect (Figure 3 through Figure 5) a diagnostic wax-up was fabricated to an ideal coronal preparation geometric shape, dimension, and height for the anticipated final composite core buildup (Figure 6). A clear polyvinyl siloxane (PVS) impression material was injected into a nonperforated tray, placed over the diagnostic wax-up, and then put into a pressure pot with cold water for 5 minutes. This procedure is aimed at reducing the potential for the formation of voids and bubbles in the impression material (Figure 7 and Figure 8). A small opening was made above the tooth to be restored using a tapered diamond bur (6847) (Figure 9). It is important to clean the internal surfaces with a microbrush to prevent silicone debris from integrating into the flowable material. Prior to the restorative procedure, a diagnostic wax-up was fabricated to the anticipated extracoronal contours for development of the final crown (Figure 10).

After determination of the desired post channel length (one-half to two-thirds the length of the canal), a dental dam was placed using the modified dam technique. The gutta-percha was removed with a series of preshaping instruments (Gates Glidden drills). The channel preparation for a prefabricated fiber-reinforced post (ie, the fiber-optic post system referred to earlier) was performed using a color-coded drill from this post system, establishing the desired intraradicular length and size for the selected post (Figure 11). The prepared channel was rinsed with water and dried with an endodontic paper point.

The preselected fiber-reinforced composite post was placed into the channel space, and the coronal height was measured and marked (Figure 12). The post was cleaned with alcohol, and its surface was silanated with a ceramic primer and air-dried after 60 seconds. The prepared channel was cleaned with a 2% chlorhexidine solution, rinsed, and dried with an endodontic paper point. The prepared endodontic channel was then etched for 15 seconds with 37.5% phosphoric acid semigel. The gel was agitated in the post channel with a paper point (Figure 13), rinsed for 5 seconds, and dried with an endodontic paper point without dehydrating the dentin structure. A universal adhesive was applied with an applicator brush onto the walls and base of the channel and air-dried (Figure 14); any excess adhesive was absorbed with an endodontic paper point using a rapid intermittent movement. The adhesive was lightly air-thinned using a warm air tooth dryer and light-cured for 40 seconds. An injectable flowable universal resin composite was injected into the post channel using an angled tip (Figure 15). It is important to remove the tip slowly while injecting to prevent the incorporation of air bubbles. The aforementioned fiber post was immediately inserted into the post space to the base of the prepared channel, and light-curing was performed from different positions (ie, coronal, facial, and lingual) for 2 minutes (Figure 16).

After polymerization and removal of the stopper, the fiber post was cut with a diamond bur to the predetermined length (Figure 17). It should be noted that the clinician should never use a serrated instrument or shears to cut the post to avoid damaging the integrity of the post. The remaining sound tooth structure (ferrule) was etched for 15 seconds with a 37.5% phosphoric acid semigel, rinsed for 5 seconds, and air-dried (Figure 18). With the use of a sable brush, silane was then applied to the coronal portion of the fiber post and existing composite material and air-dried. A universal adhesive was applied to the tooth structure, existing composite material, and fiber post and allowed to dwell for 10 seconds, then air-dried and light-cured (Figure 19).

The clear silicone matrix was placed over the posterior segment of the maxillary arch, and an opacious A2-shaded injectable flowable universal resin composite was injected through a small opening above the preparation and fiber post (Figure 20 and Figure 21). The resin composite was cured through the clear resin matrix on the incisal, facial, and lingual aspects for 40 seconds each. Upon removal of the matrix, the excess polymerized composite resin was removed with a #12 scalpel blade, and the incisal sprue was removed using a tapered diamond finishing bur. A round, tapered diamond bur was used to establish the gingival margin (Figure 22) and a needle-shaped finishing bur was used to complete the finishing of the preparation.

The completed post and core displayed an ideal ferrule dimension (Figure 23 and Figure 24). Radiographic review revealed an optimal integration at the adhesive interfaces (Figure 25). A laboratory-processed composite crown completed the optimal integration between the components of the post-retained system and provided structural integrity for intraradicular rehabilitation (Figure 26).


The dental industry continues to develop improved methods and materials, and clinicians should be encouraged to explore new, innovative products and techniques. This article presented an alternative approach for developing a fiber-reinforced post and core system using the injectable resin technique to restore an endodontically compromised tooth with precision and predictability. As with most procedures, clinical experience and judgment based on scientific evidence must guide final decision-making for application. With the emergence of newer restorative materials that have physical properties and characteristics increasingly similar to natural teeth and the use of adhesive techniques that facilitate the concepts described herein, clinicians can produce tooth-restorative complexes with predictable function and excellent esthetics.

About the Authors

Douglas A. Terry, DDS
Adjunct Professor, Department of Restorative Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama; Professor Emeritus, Department of Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry, V.S. Dental College and Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, India; Founder and CEO, Institute of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry; Private Practice, Houston, Texas

John O. Burgess, DDS, MS
Director of Clinical Research, Clinical Research Professor, School of Dentistry, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, Louisiana; Diplomate, Federal Services Board of General Dentistry

John M. Powers, PhD
Professor Emeritus, UTHealth School of Dentistry, Houston, Texas

Markus B. Blatz, DMD, PhD
Professor of Restorative Dentistry, Chair, Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences, and Assistant Dean, Digital Innovation and Professional Development, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Queries to the author regarding this course may be submitted to mailto:authorqueries@broadcastmed.com.


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Fig 1. Example of the ferrule effect. The completed crown preparation should have a ferrule design, as shown, that encapsulates the endodontically restored tooth complex.

Figure 1

Fig 2. Restorative failure of an existing amalgam restoration on the maxillary left first premolar from recurrent caries.

Figure 2

Fig 3. After endodontic treatment, crown lengthening was performed to develop an ideal ferrule effect.

Figure 3

Fig 4. An adequate collar effect of 2 mm of sound tooth structure would provide an anti-rotational feature for the stability of the crown.

Figure 4

Fig 5. Buccal view of optimal ferrule effect with a healthy biological framework.

Figure 5

Fig 6. A diagnostic wax-up was fabricated to an ideal coronal preparation geometric shape, dimension, and height for the anticipated final composite core buildup.

Figure 6

Fig 7. The impression was placed into a pressure pot with cold water for 5 minutes.

Figure 7

Fig 8. The completed matrix, which is intended to provide a precise replication of the diagnostic wax-up.

Figure 8

Fig 9. A small opening was made above the tooth to be restored using a tapered diamond bur; the internal surfaces should be cleaned with a microbrush to prevent silicone debris from incorporating into the flowable material.

Figure 9

Fig 10. Prior to the restorative procedure, a diagnostic wax-up was fabricated to the anticipated extracoronal contours for development of the final crown.

Figure 10

Fig 11. Channel preparation using color-coded drill.

Figure 11

Fig 12. The preselected fiber-reinforced composite post was placed into the channel space, and the coronal height was measured and marked.

Figure 12

Fig 13. The channel preparation was etched for 15 seconds with 37.5% phosphoric acid semigel.

Figure 13

Fig 14. Application of universal adhesive onto the walls and base of the channel.

Figure 14

Fig 15. Flowable resin composite injected into the post channel using an angled tip.

Figure 15

Fig 16. Fiber post inserted into the post space to the base of the prepared channel.

Figure 16

Fig 17. After polymerization and removal of stopper, the fiber post was cut with a diamond bur to the predetermined length.

Figure 17

Fig 18. The remaining sound tooth structure (ferrule) was etched for 15 seconds with a 37.5% phosphoric acid semigel, rinsed for 5 seconds, and air-dried.

Figure 18

Fig 19. After silane application to the remaining coronal portion of the post and existing composite material, a universal adhesive was applied to the tooth structure and fiber post and allowed to dwell for 10 seconds, air-dried, and light-cured.

Figure 19

Fig 20. The clear silicone matrix was placed over the posterior segment of the maxillary arch, and flowable resin composite was injected through a small opening above the preparation and fiber post.

Figure 20

Fig 21. During the injection process, the tip was removed slowly while injecting to prevent the incorporation of air bubbles.

Figure 21

Fig 22. The preparation was completed using a tapered diamond bur.

Figure 22

Fig 23. The completed post and core with an ideal ferrule dimension.

Figure 23

Fig 24. Occlusal view of the all-ceramic crown preparation with a full chamfer providing a 2 mm ferrule of sound tooth structure.

Figure 24

Fig 25. Radiograph revealed an optimal integration at the adhesive interfaces.

Figure 25

Fig 26. The adhesive assembly on the maxillary left first premolar provided a mono­block dentin/post/core/crown system that allows for an optimal distribution of forces along the root.

Figure 26

Take the Accredited CE Quiz:

COST: $16.00
SOURCE: Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry | April 2024

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss an alternative approach for developing a post and core complex using the injectable resin technique and a fiber-optic post system
  • Describe the concept of the ferrule effect as it relates to the reinforcement of an endodontically treated tooth
  • Discuss the juxtaposition of the preservation versus replacement of a natural tooth


The author reports no conflicts of interest associated with this work.

Queries for the author may be directed to justin.romano@broadcastmed.com.